As per the notice of 26th Sep, 2023, IMIRC college of law celebrated the Gandhi Jayanti on 04th of October. Students and teachers gathered to mark the 154rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi . The event started with the lamp lighting by Sanjeev Kumar Tyagi ( Principal) followed by Saraswati Vandana. Students delivered speeches on the life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi. Many of them made posters on his life and his contribution to the freedom struggle of the country. Many students recited the patriotic slogans and songs to pay tribute to Gandhi Ji and they also talked about the significance of the day. All students participated in various activities to mark the occasion. Special speeches comprising quotes and mahatma Gandhi given by students attracted the attention of all. Gandhian ideals were depicted through the activities which the students presented in the eloquent manner. Inspired with Gandhian values and thoughts, all students of the college vowed to become better citizens.

Students of B.A.LL.B 1st Sem Performed Skit on “Stop Drug Abuse and “Anti – Corruption”. Student gave there Message very clearly through there Skit that how Drugs and Corruption is affecting our youth and Country

Student of B.Com LL.B 1st and 3rd Sem Performed there skit on “ Gender Equality” they clearly gave the message that achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys . It is everybody responsibility.

Students of B.A.LL.B 3rd Sem performed a skit on “ Nadiyon ki Durdasha” they gave the message through there skit that how badly we are harming our Environment.

Students of B.A.LL.B 5th Sem Performed a Skit on “Ghandhi Shastri ek Perna” they showed the values and Life of Ghandhi ji and Shastri ji very Beautifully.

Students of B.A.LL.B 7th Sem Performed a Mime Act on “ Equality” they showed how badly we use to treat transgenders.

Students of B.A.LL.B 9th Sem performed a Mime Act on “ Proud to be Indian “ they showed the achievement of Chandrayann-3 .

Later the programme was concluded by the speech of Principal Sanjeev Kumar Tyagi Sir who not only encouraged the students but also Declared the result of the event.

Impact of the Event: Students get inspired for social change through the social skits performed by them. They understood that change and even revolution can be achieved through peaceful means.

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