LEGAL AID CAMP – 2023 – Law College Of IMIRC

IMIRC College of Law has organized a legal awareness camp on 05/08/2024 in village Rampur, GarhMukteshwar, Hapur. 57 students along withPrincipal Dr. Sandeep Kulshrestha and all the faculty members visited the village with a view to provide legal awareness among the villagers.

Legal awareness program is a part of curriculum of Law Colleges. Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 puts an obligation on law colleges to impart legal awareness among the rural and backward areas on the regular basis.

  • The students of IMIRC College of Law spread awareness among the villagers through their speech regarding the Rights of Women, Children, Education, Sanitation, Domestic Violence etc.
  • After the speech the students also visited the village along with their faculty members and took notes of the problems of villagers and also guided them regarding the solution of their problems.
  • In the end of the program Principal Dr. Sandeep Kulshresthathanked, gave a Vote of Thanks to all the people of village who helped in organizing this camp and those who participated in this program. The program was attended by Dr. R. S. Tomar (Director), Mr. Dinesh Singh Tomar (BJP’s Mandal Adhyaksh), Mr. Bhim Singh (Gram Pradhan Dhera Rampur).
  • Refreshments was also served to all students’ faculty and guests.
  • The visit to Bahadurgarh Police station in lime light of S.S.P. Bunni Singh was a fortune. He welcomed and attended the students gracefully.
  • The Police station staff was cooperative and supportive towards the camp and showed the working procedure and infrastructure intuitively.
  • Then the students along with faculties had lunch in the college campus.
  • The Gram Pradhan organized Legal-aid camp in their premises.
  • Students learned the way to handle and listen to people’s grievances and how to give them relief by handling people with the learned faculties Adv. Mr. Saurabh Kumar, Adv. Ms. Arundhati Banerjee, Adv. Ms. Kanika Sharma and Adv. Ms. Aarshi Zaidi.
  • This legal awareness program was of great importance for the students of IMIRC College of Law and college is looking forward to organize more such camps in near future.

Contact Details


Garh Siyana Road, Bhaina Garhmukteshwar, Distt. Hapur (Ghaziabad) U.P. 245205


9311699997, 9625929649, 01145730419, 01204109381


© IMIRC College Of Law

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